Greetings to you in Jesus name trusting that we are all doing well.

I have been directed to bring to your notice, Management resolutions as captured in the above subject. الكازينو في السعودية

The Management today resolved and hereby announces the indefinite postponement of resumption slated for April 20, 2020 and the entrance examination earlier scheduled to hold on April 27, 2020 until further notice as we await government’s directive on reopening of schools. However, we enjoin you to continue praying that God will bring an end to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Jesus’ name. سباقات السيارات

HoDs, SAO and the Chaplain should immediately disseminate this information via the various WhatsApp platforms of departments, Associations and the Chapel.

Please note:
Arrangements are being made to place advertorials on the media (ECWA TV/PRTVC FM Radio) and other platforms available to us.

New dates will be communicated as soon as it is feasible. لعبة الدومينو المصرية

Please let’s be responsible:
Stay Home; Stay Safe.

God bless.

Stephen Boman (Registrar)

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